
Weekend may do 20 matters together with the child

Peaceful humble abode

    The parent-child altogether reads

    Procedure: Elects some babies usually to be interested the book, reads aloud loudly with the exaggerating expression for the baby, and at the right moment asks baby some simple questions, if the baby replied has been correct, straight from the shoulder praised.

    Warm reminder: In book innate Huang Jinwu, raises the custom which the baby deeply loves studies is forever the invariable hard truth. When the child has grown, you will discover will study the good custom will bring the big advantage to him.

    Watches the small dish piece

    Procedure: Chooses some for the baby to suit the baby age carefully DVD or VCD, for instance "Sponge Baby", "Peter Rabbit's World" and so on, accompanies the baby to watch the piece together, meets place which in the piece needs to interact, as soon as may start with the baby.

    Warm reminder: The rich baby's margin, simultaneously studies the skill and the general knowledge from the video disk story, but must pay attention to the time the control, do not let baby's vision injure.

