
baby doll wrestling [captures]Passer-by original- Racket of bear BOSS kind of entire time hero

Author: jy01729046

Racket bear's attribute characteristic:

Although this fellow body is the agile hero, but initial agile and the growth is very low, instead the strength grows is high
The attack animation is good, therefore makes up the knife to come to be comfortable
Moreover what is worth mentioning,baby doll wrestling, racket, although the model looks like the leg to be short, but the initial traveling speed is high! Achieves 310!

Now says the skill aspect

(1) shocks the earth[E]

Shocks earth this skill is the earlier period does not recommend adds
Objective factor: Pats the racket to be able the strong trend reason to lie in 3 skill law ball IMBA the existence, as well as displays this law ball might depending on 2 skills
Subjective factor: Racket Shi Fa the animation is too really slow, this skill preliminary time scope deceleration effect is not good, but also spends 75 spots to be blue
Therefore shocks the earth should the earlier period to give up, certainly you are willing to rise the initial period to rise 1 level of me also not to have the words saying that is only begs to differ

(2) superpower quantity[V]

Has executes the law animation,fashion kids clothing, in addition can not but acclaim superpower quantity this skill is the masterstroke absolutely
Promotion percentage 400 attack speeds, was also has achieved attacks the fast limit, but might purify

(3) spunk strikes crazily[W]

The racket spunk strikes is the law ball crazily, covers other all method ball, including makes up knife axe/control and so on, therefore please do not make up the knife axes to go out/p>

(big) enrages[R]

The big move enrages has not released the animation, after the use, instantaneous begins using, must therefore attack as far as possible previous 1 second opens again
Because the function effect is attaches the striking power is 4%/5%/6% existing life value, this is also pats the racket to need to support blood's reason
Your current volume of blood more is high (attention is not biggest life value, but is current volume of blood), your eruption is higher
Moreover this skill CD is very short, only then 25 seconds, therefore does not want to use parsimoniously, runs about all over time,baby boutique, as soon as has greatly opens

