
homemade birthday gifts for kids LOL incarnation of Janna wind in 33 map's attainments

What Janna in average person eye is auxiliary nature master, but in 33 are away from like the very short map, definitely may depend upon Janna the advantageous superiority to make in the speed her to be similar to assassin's master, or is a help assassination master - - and Ryze is the same.

First, skill aspect

In leaves in the skill order,(Related Articlesbaby bibs 6 year old of young boy paragenesis 31 f), first Man QZAI is W, R I has placed selects fully finally: QWQEQR, WQWQWW, EEEERR

Q is very overbearing pushes the line skill. Generally AP(AbilityPower) 100 basic were a skill may carry off a team dogface perhaps non-BUFF wild strange, therefore in mid and late part Janna, so long as solo, she took up a collection the speed was very quick. Is resisting the heroic aspect, Q possessing both offense and defense operational requirement: Generally pushes the tower perhaps to line time, so long as the opposite party hero prompt avoidance, in the Q not good luck opposite party, but if the match will occupy is decelerated,homemade birthday gifts for kids, will escape,children's clothes, very difficult to take into consideration to this skill; The group fights the function did not need to explain things; When I escape, Q will often rescue my life, generally this time, I the direction which will escape to oneself will put Q, so long as will pursue near hero to be able by the volume, in addition Janna E and R, may say that Janna in evacuation battlefield's ability will be very strong.

Has plays the family not to know Q this skill is may instantaneous (time which recites in icon again presses Q then instantaneous), I see the match frequently Janna Q the time which fights in the group suppresses very for a long time (4 seconds) only then to leave, this is causes delay very much the opportunity. Certainly, 4 seconds will recite will make Q the striking power to enhance one time to have -odd, therefore to wire brush soldier's time waited for as far as possible recited the conclusion.

W is the very YD skill. The full level passive 16% traveling speed adds the passive skill entire unit 3% speeds, Janna, will equip 2 will move shoe's time will have 444 traveling speed (not to calculate talent and symbol article), in this speed's superiority will cause Janna, in gank and chased down and killed on has the advantageous superiority (you even to be possible to equip light and lively, caused in 5 level of W situations, speed achieved 460). Passive may also pass through the unit (including ice wall), this enables Janna to walk in the position even more to accomplish a task with ease. W at later period AP high time may carry off life not high hero 1/3 HP directly frequently, in addition 24% slow and instantaneous Q, Janna when hero's skill which flees in the control are very strong,unique baby gift, 33 maps originally are not in addition big, between two group soldier line's distance is very short, is good at observing may cause her to become very good ganker.

The E skill saves a life unambiguously. Man Ji E in usually may absorb 500+ injuries, but can also to the tower wrap, but can also add the physical striking power, once the game mid and late part discovered that will have the enemy on-line to vanish I in another soldier to add on E for oneself, will be very safe solo., when needs to jump over the tower will kill people, even if first-level E, also sufficiently low-grade tower attack.

Has thought R lies in 33 on cores repels in does not add the blood, therefore this is I, in 6 levels leave the reason which Q,17,18 makes up again (, but are many time with Janna, plays does not need to enter later period). Escapes, by gank time, teammate blood few time may use, the opportunity wants the assurance, put late also did not rescue the human. Frequently very WS, in is chased down and killed to tower time with the Q volume person heaven, will then protect itself with E, will circle presses R to the behind to advance him under the tower, at this time generally can carry off opposite party directly.

Two summon the teacher skill is to coordinate assassin's Janna, the ghost step to be possible with ease to chase down and kill even only then evacuates, the ignition was W adds on one to safeguard on .33 maps, other summoned the teacher skill to the Janna help is not very big, the new person might consider the treatment, like this might have a longer time in the battlefield. (Janna relative does not lack blue)

Second, equipment choice

Core equipment:

Many time, these two will equip the good later competition to finalize, therefore other equipment significance was not big on 33 maps.

Purchases the line: �������?/p>

Leaves the attire is the blue crystal +2 bottles of blood, will project on 580 money later directly to go home to buy the tear, then first shoe in angel route.

The big angel may guarantee that you enough blue and the relatively well-off output, the choice light and lively is because coordinates Janna the percentage acceleration passively to obtain a higher speed to coordinate the troop to strike kills, certainly, you may also the trial-and-error method put on perhaps the resistance shoe.

Speaks the truth on 33 maps, very few again at the beginning to a high-level equipment, if will have the extra money (front to say Janna will brush money very quickly), I will leave the 40AP stick again first, will then promote the big angel, will be the ring. Some people will ask, if will be strikes kills perhaps the secondary attack, why will steal the soul volume? Steals the soul volume most to superimpose to 140 AP, but in big angel's provides in your MP high situation AP cannot weakly in this digit, moreover the big angel is more comprehensive.

