
children's clothes The expert recommends the word Do not let the child too be obedient

Hears mothers to talk incessantly frequently: Isn't your this child how such obedient! But the experts warn the parents, is too obedient the child question is bigger, because they very possibly lose the more important thing - - creativity.

The experience proved that the mischievous boy often has the creativity compared to the honest girl. Its reason is the mischievous child contact face is broad, the cerebrum receives the stimulation were many, activated child's intelligence. Therefore, a spot being obedient to does not enhance child's creativity for the child to have the advantage.

Our China's old tradition likes the honest child. The parents always hope the child to be well-mannered, obedient, the child one mischievous cannot tolerate slightly, often is the tube has died, limits excessively many, for strangled child's creativity. Actually mischievous, active is child's instinct, is also the creativity development germ, so long as the big standard, do not limit are too many. Anything looks that adult's meaningful glance conduct, timid, in the future will be doomed the child who will be lacks prospects.

The creativity high child incurs the human to tire of

According to American Prosperous Nepal Soda college education psychology Director Torrens studies, the creativity high child has three loathful characteristics most:

1st, mischievous, mischievous, is absurd and is unconventional;
2nd, when actions over convention;
3rd, handles matters, is not tenaciously humorous, but has unavoidably plays the manner.

The creativity, is obedient, how to have both

First, we request in the child behavior to be obedient basically, fights all day, curses at people, is not obedient not good, but in the thought may not too be obedient, may have own idea.

Second, the child hour, is obedient primarily, must raise the good behavior custom, the child big should give a spot not being obedient, even in the behavior might also have own procedure.

American President Nixon has written a book ' the leaders ', he said that China's educational system may provide the very good education for the populace, but has actually lost China's Darwin and Einstein. Because China's educational system overemphasizes each person to every kind good, every kind does the unification, trains since childhood them tamely, does not allow to have the independent opinion, does not allow to have departing from the classics and betraying principle which Einstein called, like this can only raise safeguards one's heritage the talented person. The parents want the sincerity to deeply love the creation child,children's clothes, do not demand perfection to the child, do not use traditional the viewpoint to teach the child the man old before his time.

American scientist Fowke said gracefully: Tenacious and between the rigid both's difference is subtle, if your idea has succeeded, each people said you very rigid,urban baby clothes, relentless; If you have not succeeded, the people said you to be tenacious, incorrigibly obstinate. The westerner thought that should allow the child to be tenacious, because inside that possibly has rigid, should allow the child not to be obedient, because inside that possibly has creates.

Blue sun's implication

Overseas has a child, the parents lets him draw the sun, he has drawn a blue sun. Asks him: How do you become the solar picture the blue color? The child said: What I draw is in the sea sun. The parents said: The very good, you too had the imagination.

Some pre-school education expert to overseas saw that to a baby with a blue color stroke big apple, teacher walked said: , Draws well! Moreover caressed traces child's head happily, the child extremely. By now the Chinese experts asked the teacher: He uses the blue color picture apple, how don't you correct? That teacher said: Why do I want to correct? Perhaps he later really can raise the blue color the apple.

The foreign guardian tolerates the child not to be obedient like this makes sense, it may protect child's imagination,kids clothes,(Related Articlescute girls clothes LOL official producer Guinsoo t), stimulates child's creativity. Allows the child not to be obedient refers to is mainly in the thought is not obedient, the children saw the world is unique, their imagination is very rich, if we use adult's thinking mode to interfere crudely to them, will strangle them the imagination and the creativity. A spot being obedient is not creates the thought for the child to them, the creation desire protection.

The tube does not die, is the highest boundary not randomly exactly and

In the creation personality dares the character to be very important, dares to think that dared saying that dared to do only then has the creation, for the child a spot being obedient was not the different opinions, dared to practice, this was very important. Our guardian should accept is obedient is a merit, is too obedient is the shortcoming viewpoint, the education must achieve the tube to the child not to die, exactly and is not chaotic.

The creation requires certain time and the space. If bundles stubbornly the child, spot free control's time does not have, how do they carry on the creation? The guardian should give the child more time and the space, lets them go mischievously, lets them go to the daydream freely, moves, creates.

