
big kids toys Weapon Master JAX is most complete captures

Appreciates the good looks and graceful manners wallpaper first:

Heroic skill information:

The equipment is expert in (passive) - Jax and protects armor's extraordinary technique to the weapon, enables him after to obtaining the equipment becomes more tenacious:Each spot the striking power which provides by the goods, will be Jax increases 4 life values.Each spot the law wound which provides by the goods, will be Jax increases 2 life values.

After strength irrigation (initiative) - opening, Jaques's next attack will produce the sputtering results, will cause the extra damage to wide range's enemy.

Jaques pours into the strength in his weapon, the extra promotion black magic attacks 40/60/80/100/120 (obtains addition 20% from attack and black magic injury) most 3 seconds. His next attack will produce the sputtering results, will cause 60% damage to the nearby enemy.
Continues an attack or 10 seconds.Jumps divides - Jaques to jump (initiative) to the enemy, straight from the shoulder pulls out attaches 50/75/100/125/150 (law wound addition to enemy's face 100%) the extra injury his street light.The counter-attack (initiative) - enhances Jaques to dodge the probability passively 10/12/14%, and can, in dodges starts in the latter 7 seconds to carry on one time to supplement 80/100/120 (law wound addition 80%) the scope injury and the dizzy effect counter-attack.The heartless surprise attack (initiative) - the Jaques fiercest talent is can after each time attacks becomes stronger. Each time the success attack can increase his attack speed temporarily, and each fourth foreword position's attack will carry on the destructive to the goal attack. Jaques each time succeeds the attack once will add he 6/10/14% attack speed temporarily, will attack the identical goal two times to give he the next time attack extra brought 140/170/210 (law wound addition continuously 100%) the black magic injury.
The attack speed may superimpose 8 times.

Summons the skill recommendation: Ignition (necessary), second may choose the inspiration morale or flash before. Recommendation inspiration morale, because the jax outstanding traveling speed and the Q skill's existence pursuit basic has not shown the question. Flashes before the words new person just contacted in the JAX soon situation to be possible to bring.

Dot way: =700) window.open (http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/sc2/UploadFiles_4541/201003/201003261157012033.jpg);border=0alt=src=http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/sc2/UploadFiles_4541/201003/201003261157012033.jpgonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; >=700) window.open (http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/sc2/UploadFiles_4541/201003/201003261157012031.jpg);border=0alt=src=http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/sc2/UploadFiles_4541/201003/201003261157012031.jpgonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; >=700) window.open (http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/sc2/UploadFiles_4541/201003/201003261157012031.jpg);border=0alt=src=http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/sc2/UploadFiles_4541/201003/201003261157012031.jpgonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; >=700) window.open (http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/sc2/UploadFiles_4541/201003/201003261157012032.jpg);border=0alt=src=http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/sc2/UploadFiles_4541/201003/201003261157012032.jpgonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; >=700) window.open (http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/sc2/UploadFiles_4541/201003/201003261157012031.jpg);border=0alt=src=http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/sc2/UploadFiles_4541/201003/201003261157012031.jpgonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; > will have the big spot to hit from now on, first rises full Q, from now on will rise E, finally selects full W.

Goes out the attire: Common has 3 kinds: =700) window.open (http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d31303534.gif);border=0alt=src=http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d31303534.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; >+=700) window.open (http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d32303033.gif);border=0alt=src=http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d32303033.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; > such advantage is needs to be dreadful before the JAX6 level, both supports the blood and to have the reply, depends line ability. The shortcoming will be MANA will be possibly intense a spot, could not have one's wish rubs the blood with Q. =700) window.open (http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d31303536.gif);border=0alt=src=http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d31303536.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; >+=700) window.open (http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d32303033.gif);border=0alt=src=http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d32303033.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; > the merit is supports AP to support the blood also to return blue, this

Individual is regards goes out the attire, the shortcoming is returns to the blood ability to be slightly insufficient, but before earlier period JAX6, needs dreadfully, can also guarantee that MANA the reply, rubs the blood first-class. =700) window.open (http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d31303535.gif);border=0alt=src=http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d31303535.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; >+=700) window.open (http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d32303033.gif);border=0alt=src=http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d32303033.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; > this is I has seen one kind of law, I have not tried not the high praise theory.

Core equipment: =700) window.open (http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/lol//UploadFiles//201004/10042918002305638.gif);border=0alt=src=http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/lol//UploadFiles//201004/10042918002305638.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; > the sheep knife, the JAX primary edition correction will enter from now on only then everybody field of vision the JAX core equipment. Canada attacks +AP, the superimposition attacks fast with AP, most 8. The primary edition correction the JAXAP addition also will add from now on the blood, therefore the sheep knife has become the JAX not two core equipments, 6 ranks will fend the shoe from now on head equipment.

=700) window.open (http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/lol//UploadFiles//201004/10042918002311939.gif);border=0alt=src=http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/lol//UploadFiles//201004/10042918002311939.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; > is named the manure fork, the physical attack attaches the life value 2% injuries��any people did not understand that the manure fork regarding the JAX significance, JAX is AP more blood Canada are more, the manure fork is also adds blood's upper limit 2% attacks, Yang Daobian hits AP to spread high, AP changes Gao Xue also changes high, the blood changes the high manure fork adds attacks are more. Such good understanding, the sheep knife gets down the direct manure fork��s soon as sheep knife + manure fork JAX selects N the capital to be.

=700) window.open (http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/lol//UploadFiles//201004/100429180023150310.gif);border=0alt=src=http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/lol//UploadFiles//201004/100429180023150310.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; > before I have not had the medicament custom, afterward saw others will capture the reminder from now in the belt, the effect will not be general good. The basic my 6 levels will start from now on to take BUFF, then started gank to kill people in all directions, brought bottle of medicament in the package, time murder a gram bottle, or escaped a time gram bottle. Maintains life is very good. Attempt

After having been, my basic 6 levels from now in the entire journey body will be bringing, who knew with who. The sheep knife manure fork from now on may choose the equipment: =700) window.open (http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/lol//UploadFiles//201004/100429180023166311.gif);border=0alt=src=http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/lol//UploadFiles//201004/100429180023166311.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; > the spring elder brother armor,big kids toys, believes spring the elder brother to result in the eternal life, not only in-situ reactivating the effect shocks, will let your energy be full. =700) window.open (http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/lol//UploadFiles//201004/100429180023837312.gif);border=0alt=src=http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/lol//UploadFiles//201004/100429180023837312.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; > the female monster, JAX compares fears the control, when key E fainted on the tragedy��his thing also supports the blood, coordinated the manure fork to attack is also high. =700) window.open (http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/lol//UploadFiles//201004/100429180023853313.gif);border=0alt=src=http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/lol//UploadFiles//201004/100429180023853313.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; > continues the mentality extension which supports the blood extension to attack, decelerated, chases down and kills is more convenient. =700) window.open (http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/lol//UploadFiles//201004/100429180023900314.png);border=0alt=src=http://image.uuu9.com/pcgame/lol//UploadFiles//201004/100429180023900314.pngonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; > if in your troop is the KS sorcerer, will then leave this equipment in the sheep knife manure fork also will be from now on good.

About JAX earlier period murder and inserted mode:

The JAX list's superiority in without a doubt are biggest, because can 6 hit BUFF as soon as possible without the wound,baby dolls, as far as possible early GANK and so on. Regarding the JAX master, in the list takes a blood is the very simple matter. Starts Q to rub the blood, let the soldier hit you as far as possible to deceive to E the company incurs in the past on QE. Retreats immediately. Under and so on others 1/3 blood's time remains blue. The basic 1/3 time opposite party very little can select the blood bottle. Will remain blue will deceive E again from now on, will pass the QE company to incur decisively, ignition. If opposite party runs chases down and kills, did not need me saying that if laid down with your syzygy on the inspiration morale, the gram bottle blood, the basic blood succeeded in obtaining again.

But in the usual situation is not one's turn in mostly the JAX list, 2 has been short many fervor to the line. Before 6 JAX must be dreadful, Q rubs the blood, is short to chops. Looks for the opportunity to be able to kill people kills, the opportunity on has not snacked to allay hunger the knife steadily, prohibits before 6 other trade enters.

The group fights the skill: Group's time does not want first to enter the crowd on Q, and so on both sides joined battle to cut into the fight again. Q master is auxiliary and so on small crisp, or mouse and so on small crisp physics. Q, draws back immediately, the edge hits the position not good enemy. Then has E again to jump Master QE and so on slightly crisp. Among the inspiration morale throws the latter spot, the ignition throws on the remnant blood body, Q chased down and killed in the past, if other people selected you not to pursue,(Related Articlesnew baby gift baskets ACG2010 Asian championship t), nearby hit the human. The attention does not want, because chases down and kills a person behind to hang 4 individual dozen of you.

Small skill: JAX Q may jump the eye and the mushroom, therefore on the later period group body brings an eye is necessary. Before the group, lets fend as far as possible enables E to use, for instance the large unit in the set, you have directed in 4 small strange wild areas strange, leaves E, on the QE past, then ran. Disrupts opposite party lineup, and so on teammates follow.

Summary: JAX really very good is very amusing, the earlier period must be dreadful, once to 6 can hit BUFF basically without the wound, double BUFF adds on the red medicament again in the hand. Decisive nearby 2 walks randomly starts the .JAX key word volume of blood which the gank, JAX superiority is accumulates slowly,baby socks, certain AP, BUFF, medicament, number of people, rank superiority��he hope can everybody some help. The code bows leaves office.

