
handmade baby blanket The boy and the companion plays by the puttyblower is hit the eye

Plays the roll play game with the little friend, the sniper opens fire, lets the enemy side spies lose one's sight nearly. Yesterday in the morning,handmade baby blanket, 5 year-old boys and companion when playing is hit the eye by the puttyblower, delivers likes the Eye clinic to Wuhan carrying on the urgent treatment.

Boy who shoots the wound named small great (alias), the family lives in Huangbei District. Little great daddy introduced that yesterday in the morning, the small great elephant was the same in the past and the neighbor 6 year-old young playmate small snail (alias) plays. The small snail puts out from the family 1 only then gives the relative his puttyblower, with small plays the sniper and spy's game great. Who expects, a half hour later, slightly great cries to run went home, right eye obvious inflamed, does not stop bursts into tears. Under the guardian inquire closely, slightly great said that was in the small snail puttyblower's bullet has hit his eye.

After the inspection, the small great eyeball has the obtuse bruise,blank baby bibs, the hyphema, cornea dropsy. What fortunately is, another reason goes see a doctor promptly, the condition does not have the delay.

Wuhan likes Eye clinic eyeground sickness branch Director Liu Yong indicating that at present in the market some simulation puttyblower has certain lethality. When the child plays is noisy,cool kids clothing, treats the companion short distance to open fire, has the possibility wound and the eye very much. The eye is one of human body frailest organs, once hits a target, the light eye organization dampens, the heavy piece of hemophthalmos, the ocular rupture,(Related Articlesnew born baby accessories The young people science), causes the low vision even permanent to lose one's sight.

It is known that summer vacation period, because this courtyard has accepted the numerical example the puttyblower bullet to injure the eye the young patient.

The expert reminds the general guardians, do not buy the vulnerability toy to the child, buys cautiously has the puttyblower which the bullet projects to give the child; Once the child is injured unfortunately, must the save time to the regular hospital treatment.

