
best kids toys The raise loses child

Says from child psychology angle, the child loses is not one kind of normal phenomenon. Regardless of being assorted the matter, the child always hoped that he can achieve is better, periphery compared to others, obtains person's approval. But because the child age is young, various aspects are not mature, he does not understand his strong point and the athletic event in which one is weak, before the human perhaps in collective activity, once is inferior to the human, loses Yu Renshi, he will display discontentedly, will not be happy.The child will not be able to lose will usually have two kind of performance: Some children face the setback, the defeat, he will adopt the evasion, will avoid a difficulty. Other one kind, irritable child, once has lost in the game, will throw a fit,(Related ArticlesKids Swimwear [baby summer clothing Xiu] cloud pat), makes a tearful scene shows to be dispersed.
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The education cannot lose child's method
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1. increases time child setback's carrying capacity childhood network - minor gateway r? A2E3K? k
Childhood network - minor gateway A? F?]? J? o? M
Although must assist the child to be successful as far as possible, but the guardian do not remove some excessively desirably in the usual life for the child the difficulty which the possible bitter experience to arrive in the normal environment, when the child meets frustrates, the guardian do not want immediately to meddle, might as well leaves child facing the unfavorable situation space and the opportunity. For instance, the child builds a tall building with the building block, may unfortunately, when the quick success Lou Ta, looks that the child depressed expression, the guardian do not want to solve the problem directly as far as possible for him, may discuss together with him, guides the child to ponder, then lets him carry out solution. The child overcomes setback's ability and the motive, often comes from has encountered the setback, when his experience is rich enough, may obtain more senses of achievement and the self-confidence.
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2. in the collective activity enhances bears frustrates the strength childhood network - minor gateway? g? D9H; f? Wb (M? w? ^

(a? D? T? p?]?}? j6k) y-G0 in the collective game, the child will experience some setbacks and the defeat, these defeat's painful experience will let him know itself well, discovered that own shortcoming and others' strong point, will develop his introspection intelligence. How does he want to learn at the same time to appreciate others, in a friendly way is together with the companion, cooperates together; On the other hand between in companion's mutual exchange and the instruction, overcomes difficulties, solves the problem. Discipline in collective these are helpful in enhance the baby to bear frustrate the strength.
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3. in game balanced victory and loss point of view
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Adult and when child game do not lose to the child intentionally frequently, suitable time played some to lose also had the reward game, through this means that the balanced child could not lose the point of view. Certainly the reward premise is the reason which says loses.
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: Q9d2]? x(_/}? the nU#c$G0 education cannot lose child's principle:
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? E? X? w? c+ {?]0 some guardians often like in the usual life child's success treating as their facade, won praised the child to be intelligent, competent, lost has accused and complains the child to be stupid, this educational mode was most is not worth taking, did this very easily to let the child move toward two extremes, either was defeated could not crawl, either vied for supremacy tries to outdo others, must won.
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jt4u- {? PA5x%A0 as child's initiation teacher, the guardian is playing the very vital role in the child individuality forming process. The guidance cannot lose the child, the guardian must first balance own point of view, regards child's defeat correctly. When child when studies and in the game suffers setbacks,best kids toys, the guardian should educate him to overcome depressed and the pessimistic thought that helps the child to analyze defeat's reason, establishes positive point of view treatment temporary suffering setbacks.
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The baby stage guardian should by assist the child to experience as far as possible successfully, establishes self-confidently primarily. But is defeated in the life is also inevitable, will let the child regards as another kind of emotion experience, when child fall in the blues, the guardian wants to encourage, to help the child positively to establish self-confidently positively facing the setback.
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%z? s? k? ^? k]? |? \ I0 for instance, when the child has not obtained teacher's praise in the drawing class, the guardian may the good intentions tell him, us is impossible each time to do the matter well, previous time sings the competition, teacher praises you to be very good,children's clothes stores, although this time paints pictures the competition not to obtain teacher's praise, so long as but we diligently, certainly can also achieve well. The guardian said like this, also told the child to be defeated and to suffer setbacks is the matter which in his development process the inevitable meeting needed to meet, simultaneously also encouraged him to face positively. Childhood network - minor gateway, m0D6y?}9R? d
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G$W! u? t? J5cM? o0 cared that the child knowledge skill study is no doubt important, but trains the child to be able to lose can win,baby gift, handles matters optimistically the healthy point of view will let him profit lifelong.

